Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Term 3, 2019

We have had loads of visitors into PCS this term and it is so exciting to be able to hear the feedback of what they are seeing from our learners.

Recently we hosted the Principal's from Tamaki and some Manaiakalani staff too.  The highlights that I shared with staff included:

Today we welcomed Principals from Tamaki in Auckland to our space. Our seniors were fabulous ambassadors for our school. The whakatau included some impressive waiata too! Highlights they mentioned:
- quality teaching and learning 
- depth of learning and vocabulary in the play based learning
- quality of learning in STEM and the student blogs
- contracts covering a range of curriculum areas
- mahi tahi covering co-operation, communication, collaboration and creativity 
- all students were engaged and could talk about their learning 
- tuakana teina in action
So proud of our school staff and students!!! 

What a great chance to celebrate with the staff and build on our learning with our focus on critical thinking school wide.

We have also been using some data gathered from our Kahui Ako based on student agency.  Again, a chance to celebrate with our learners feeling safe and valued.  They use feedback from the teacher's to improve their work and enjoy working with their peers.

Next steps for us will be to continue to work on planning of next steps by our students.  If they have a strong understanding of where they need to go, it really impacts on their achievement.

It is so good to have "outside eyes" to come in and give us some valuable feedback to build on what we gather as a school.

Ka mau to wehi PCS!!!