Thursday, October 24, 2019

Term 4, 2019

Sitting at the Manaiakalani Wananga in October to work with other schools, teachers and Principals from this nationwide programme.
Congratulations to Joanne Ryken who presented as part of the Manaiakalani Innovative Teacher (MIT) programme

A great opportunity for us to listen to these teachers share their inquiry projects all linked to student achievement.

This term we look at the device roll out.  A wonderful opportunity for our whanau to purchase a device for their child/ren.  Students are able to access a huge range of learning anytime, anywhere, anyhow.  Being part of Manaiakalani enables us to access the best device at the best price!

The summer learning journey is another opportunity for our students to continue their learning over summer.  This is a chance to access learning.  The students must have blogged and taken part in our cyber safety programme - cybersmart.  The students take part in nationwide learning which is marked by University students.  The summer slump of learning is avoided as part of this wonderful project!

We are certainly very blessed to have these great opportunities for our schools and students!