Kia Ora Koutou
Wow, I didn't realise that time had passed so quickly that I was due to write my term 3 blog already, so I have combined both of the terms.
So many wonderful things are happening at PCS. We have a focus on the four C's (creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communication) with all of the learning. Our staff are working hard to create opportunities for all of these things across the curriculum.
Term 3 saw us leaping back into lockdown. As I write this we are in to our third week. The online learning being provided by our teachers is so exciting to see. Our learners are able to continue engaging and experiencing learning across the curriculum, but on a digital platform.
My aspiration for our kura is that every student will have access to a digital device, with internet, without having to share with a sibling or adult to engage with the learning. I am working hard to access support to make this happen for our kura.
Prior to lockdown we had huge whanau and parish involvement in our kura. With Matariki, 3 way conferences, kapa haka and then Catholic Schools Day. We are wanting to continue nurturing whanaungatanga at PCS and engagement from whanau, supporting with your own gifts and talents is very much valued.
As we all continue to pray for lockdown to be finished and Covid-19 to be under control I am humbled by our wonderful community. Food packs were delivered to whanau by our staff and school community. The aroha and care is something that continues to motivate me and inspire me. Thank you, what a blessing to our school and parish community.
God bless
Kathryn Carey