Kia Ora!
Well we are now in week 3 of term 1, 2022. Our new "normal" is students and teachers wearing face masks in year 4 to 8. Teachers wear masks with other adults who are only coming on site if it is essential due to "red" settings that we are working in with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education. My role as Principal is now attending to numerous updates and emails. We have established safety systems throughout the school and the paperwork is hugely demanding.
I am so proud of our staff and students. They work together to make it work for all of us. As the covid cases are reaching near 1000 per day, it is now in the Far North and we brace ourselves. We keep praying for the safety of all. For peace. For unity. We pray for those on the front lines who are working hard to keep our hospitals and services open. We pray for the essential workers that are cleaning, restocking, delivering and working hard in these times.
The learning that is happening in week 3 already is exciting in our kura. Our focus of the 4 C's (communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking) is flowing throughout the classrooms. Our tamariki are learning about our school charism of Mercy. This is what we base our learning on, as a Catholic School we are proud to be there for others. We are learning about manners being important, respect and helping those less fortunate. Our new students are learning a variety of ways to pray.
Next week we have our Catholic Review and we are excited to share our kura with the Auckland Catholic Diocese. It is a chance to review, celebrate and set new goals moving forward.
Our roll is the highest it has been and our students are welcoming those who are new to our kura with aroha and manaakitanga. This is what being a Principal is all about! Diversity, challenge and aroha. Looking forward to a year brimming with all of those things.
Below is a photo of our whakatau....we could only have essential is so different for all of us, but we made it work. So great to welcome Whaea Cherie and our new tamariki to our kura.
Nga mihi nui
Kathryn Carey