Monday, July 6, 2020

Term 2, 2020

As we head into the term break there is much to be grateful for.  I am really proud of the team at PCS who have navigated their way through the COVID-19 period.  The staff, students, whanau, parish and community have united in their prayers, strength and support.  Our staff and students have shown their resilience in this challenging time.  Learning has continued in an online capacity with the teachers connecting with their students through google hangouts, emails and blogs. Relationships with whanau were strengthened and understanding of your child's learning has increased as you have been able to see the online platforms in action.  The parish have been taking part in the school community with Father Larry messaging, sharing in online celebrations and learning.  The staff collaborated to put together a COVID-19 adapted mid year learning report for students and whanau based on the past 7 weeks of online learning.  There is much to celebrate as the students have now set new goals to head towards in the second part of the year.

We are continuing to work on our local curriculum as a school, and have been gathering insights from you our key stakeholders to build our knowledge.  It has been an exciting journey to see our student graduate profile evolve and we look forward to sharing this with you when it is completed.  Information has come through students, staff, board, iwi, parish, Ministry and the Catholic Schools Office.
Key insights gathered so far around our Catholic faith, Academic, Dispositions and Future Focus.
- We value our Catholic faith
- Proud to be a Mercy school
- Leadership of students
- Kaitiaki
- Whanaungatanga
- Future global citizens who are creative, collaborative, critical thinkers and communicators
- Strive for excellence
- Resilient

Remember this is evolving, so if you have more insights to share, please come in and give us your ideas.

Have a wonderful and safe term break.  We look forward to seeing you all in term 3.
God bless

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