Thursday, November 19, 2020

Term 4, 2020

 As we approach the end of 2020 there is so much to reflect on.

I have had one of the best years of my career - it is such a blessing to be immersed in academic learning.  I have now gained my Masters in Education with an endorsement in leadership.  I have been able to apply the literature in my role as a Principal and I am very grateful for this opportunity.  I also thank the Board of Trustees of Pompallier Catholic School for supporting study awards at our school.  I am the third teacher who has applied and it adds so much to our professionalism.

The students have continued to inspire me, and our staff who are dedicated to providing the best possible learning for all.

Next steps at Pompallier Catholic School will be to maintain and grow our local curriculum.  We are focussed on "mirrors" and "windows" where the students can see themselves in the learning provided and where they can look up and out to the future ahead.

We will continue to aspire for excellence, where each student is valued for their uniqueness and has success in our school environment.  We aim to provide a range of authentic learning opportunities where our students thrive to become the best that they can be.  

Have a safe and happy summer break and a very blessed Christmas.

Kathryn Carey

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Term 3, 2020

 As term 3 draws to an end there is so much to celebrate.  Being in Level 1 for COVID-19 is certainly a celebration!  The staff at PCS have done a fabulous job of ensuring the learning has been maintained.  The whanau survey has added some great feedback to our school goals.  Online learning and the relationship between school and home has been strengthened.  We have really enjoyed reading your comments about things that you have found helpful and things that you would like to see maintained.  We have put in place some plans for building on the online learning platform to ensure students are able to access their learning to share with you.

We have been working on our local curriculum and using the information shared from teachers, students, parents, caregivers, whanau, board of trustees, parish and the community.  We are working on our graduate profile and learning dispositions.  All of this information will be part of our future planning.  Watch this space for an opportunity to give us some feedback on all of this information when we have pulled it together.

I am heading to the last stretch of my study.  I have thoroughly enjoyed being immersed in literature, working alongside a range of colleagues throughout NZ.  This semester my papers are focused on teacher leadership, inclusive education and assessment practices.  I was thrilled to get two A's and a B, with my first set of 5000 word essays!  I hope to be able to continue with this momentum!  Wish me luck!

Have a wonderful term break with your whanau!  God bless

Kathryn Carey

Monday, July 6, 2020

Term 2, 2020

As we head into the term break there is much to be grateful for.  I am really proud of the team at PCS who have navigated their way through the COVID-19 period.  The staff, students, whanau, parish and community have united in their prayers, strength and support.  Our staff and students have shown their resilience in this challenging time.  Learning has continued in an online capacity with the teachers connecting with their students through google hangouts, emails and blogs. Relationships with whanau were strengthened and understanding of your child's learning has increased as you have been able to see the online platforms in action.  The parish have been taking part in the school community with Father Larry messaging, sharing in online celebrations and learning.  The staff collaborated to put together a COVID-19 adapted mid year learning report for students and whanau based on the past 7 weeks of online learning.  There is much to celebrate as the students have now set new goals to head towards in the second part of the year.

We are continuing to work on our local curriculum as a school, and have been gathering insights from you our key stakeholders to build our knowledge.  It has been an exciting journey to see our student graduate profile evolve and we look forward to sharing this with you when it is completed.  Information has come through students, staff, board, iwi, parish, Ministry and the Catholic Schools Office.
Key insights gathered so far around our Catholic faith, Academic, Dispositions and Future Focus.
- We value our Catholic faith
- Proud to be a Mercy school
- Leadership of students
- Kaitiaki
- Whanaungatanga
- Future global citizens who are creative, collaborative, critical thinkers and communicators
- Strive for excellence
- Resilient

Remember this is evolving, so if you have more insights to share, please come in and give us your ideas.

Have a wonderful and safe term break.  We look forward to seeing you all in term 3.
God bless

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Term One 2020

Welcome to our students, whanau, parish, community and friends of the school.  We have a brand new team in place at PCS and are really looking forward to the year ahead.  I have a different view on the school as I move into a "helicopter" role.  I am the very lucky recipient of a NZ Teacher Study Award for 2020 and will be studying for a Masters in Education with a Leadership Endorsement.  I am excited to build on my kete of knowledge to help support my role as Principal.  I leave Joanne Ryken as Acting Principal and welcome Dannielle Cook as our Acting Deputy Principal.  We have a wonderful team of current staff and new staff too.  Come in and meet our team.  I look forward to supporting them all for the year in the background.  We have such a capable team and I know that you too, will support them.
There is lots to look forward to as we continue with our RISE theme for 2020 - respect, inspire, service and excellence.  Under the umbrella of Caring for God's Creation our students will be immersed in helping us to continue planning and implementing our local curriculum.  We are in our 3rd year as a Manaiakalani school, and you will see digital learning throughout the school, keeping a balance with all curriculum areas.
Term 1 is a fabulous term of Religious Education as we celebrate St Joseph's Day, Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Lent, the Annunciation and of course Easter.  I know you will join me in welcoming our new parish priest Father Larry Rustia.  He has taught us so much already.
God bless